Sunday, July 8, 2012

Caught a Quote :)

Caught this quote on :)
Falling in love is by chance~
It's that moment when u least expect it.
It would just hit u straight on the face..
and then you're already in love.. :)

Friday, June 15, 2012

Attack of the Vintage Gifts~!

A vintage inspired gift which I gave to a close friend as a birthday gift. It didn't cost me much though. Believe it or not! :)

A gift from a Korean friend during their so-called "White Day" in Korea! And doesn't it look vintage? :)

Another gift from my mom during one of my Christmas parties before. This bracelet always gives me a Helen-of-Troy kinda feeling. Whatcha think?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Let's Get Started!

My first camera! Well, it's my second actually. An Olympus (SP-620 UZ)....AHOY! 

I've started this blog since ages ago but I couldn't make up my mind what would be this blog all about. I've been changing blog titles and etc until I finally found what to do with it! HAHA

The idea of having a new camera made me decide what to do with this blog! *grins*

TADANG! I officially welcome you to my blog called "My Crappy Lens"!!

It's not literally the camera which is crappy but my ability to take photos. I'm not really an expert. So, I think all my photos will look amateurish~ But hey, there is a wide wide room for improvements! Right!? Left?!

For an overview, I really like photos with a vintage, dreamy feel. So, expect that all my photos will turn out like that. I have a few favorite photographers too! You can check em out and get some inspiration of their unique concepts!

Carlos Henrique Reinesch (click click!)
This Brazilian dude has a unique eye for cool photography concept! I wanna be like him! LOL

Josephine Sicad (click click)
This soon to be mom is actually a cousin of my officemate. When, I saw her portfolio...I fell in love!

Line Arias (click click)
YEP! She's my cousin and she is also one of my inspirations to take photos! haha

There ya go! More photos coming soon! (If my schedule permits!)